During the 1st term, after observing one hundred people in
Bio-electromagnetic Field is defined as an attraction force produced by living cells, tissues and organisms, affected by the elements of the surrounding environment or by people themselves. The action of potentials could be seen as the electric currents and the cell membrane potential which flow in nerves and muscles, for example. It is believed that the field exists in all living creatures, whether plants or animals. It has been mentioned in Future Science, “John White lists ninety-seven different cultures over the face of globe…Life energy fields have been known in China and India for over five thousand years.” (White and Krippner, 1977, quoted in Brennan, 1993, p. 3). Even though there are difficulties to prove the existence of the field as it is invisible and untouched, several studies have been revealed that there are some possibilities to substantiate the theory. By way of illustration, Kirlian photography is a good example to demonstrate the existence of Bio-electromagnetic Field. According to the Skeptic’s Dictionary, due to a high voltage, a coloured halo or coronal discharge is displayed as “a physical manifestation of the spiritual aura or life force which allegedly surrounds each living thing.” (Carrroll 2003) It is undoubtedly true that the fields are unseen but exist and accompany with all creatures
Bio-electromagnetic Field can be also seen as a sort of electromagnetic force which is able to attract and repel the aura in order to affect a simple object or the atmosphere of a space. As evidence of this, the project, Beacon, designed by Chris O’Shea 2009, is an interactive installation with “an array of emergency beacon lights that interacts with visitors, tracking their movement through the space.” When the tension of a space is changed by the attractive or repellent force, both the aura of the space and the emotion of the person are altered. The situation might happen all the time in our daily life; however, the field is hardly to be noticed, which however, can affect or be affected by humans, being another crucial issue to change our life. As the result, Bio-electromagnetic Field should be concern as one of the most important influences between human and space. The aim of this paper is to address recent research into Bio-electromagnetic Field, with the breakthroughs which might enhance the thought of architecture. Overall, although there are few studies combining Bio-electromagnetic Field with architectural research, it could be a different way to understand the relationship between living creatures and spaces.
How - The methodology
It is considerably true that the visualisation of Bio-electromagnetic Field might be difficult to be expressed while the energy is invisible and even hard to be felt physically. The ambition of my study is to use the skills of photography, films or interactive media in order to develop and animate a situation in order to record the Influences produced by Bio-electromagnetic Fields.
Reference List
Brennan, B. A. 1993. Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing.
Chris O’Shea and Cinimod Studio. Beacon. 2009. (accessed January, 2009).
White, J. W. and S. Krippner. 1977. Future Science: Life Energies and the Physics of Paranormal Phenomena.
Kirlian Experiment NO.4: