I start to think about if there is anything between people, affected by the elements of surrounding or by people themselves. It could be a kind of the third space which we have never noticed but exist in our life. For example, the Earth is like a giant magnet, surrounded by a magnetic field, has been chinging for thousands years. However, we hardly realize the changing because we cannot observe it by our eyes.
In these figures and animations, the magnetic field from 1590 to 1980 is given by the GUFM-1 model of Jackson et al. (2000), while the field from 1980 to 2010 is given by the 10th generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field.
Bio-electromagnetic field which is defined as an eletromagnetic field produced by living biological organisms. The theory has been utilized by Chinese Qigong for thousands of years. Chinese people believe that this field affect the air around us, whether through minute vibratory force or very faint eletromagnetic radiation or by various other means. The aura can be said to be both the field itself. as well as the effects within the field. For instance, while we cannot see the wind, we can observe its effects as it blows the leaves of trees. Moreover, the air does exist and might cause a kind of space.